Profile picture of Emanuel Castelo

Short Bio

I am a PhD student at Aix-Marseille Université under supervision of Jérémie Chalopin and co-supervision of Oscar Defrain.

I defended my master's thesis on the k-Color Shortest Path problem at Universidade Federal do Ceará. During this period I was member of the ParGO research group. I also have a law degree, for whatever reason. See also my dblp and Google Scholar entries.

Research interests: Algorithmic Enumeration, Computational Complexity Theory, and Combinatorial Optimization.


Office: Aix-Marseille University, Campus de Luminy, Laboratoire d'Informatique et Systèmes, TPR2, 5th Floor, Office 05.24.


  1. Castelo, E., Defrain, O., and Gomes G. C. M. Enumerating minimal dominating sets and variants in chordal bipartite graphs. arXiv, 2502.14611.
  1. de Andrade, R. C., Castelo, E. E. S., and Saraiva, R. D. Valid inequalities for the k-color shortest path problem. European Journal of Operational Research, 315(2):499-510, 2024.

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